Methodology, style and interpretation:


  • Alexandre Quaresma GKA/Madrid


sociology, social theory, Anthony Giddens, structuration theory, criticism of structuration theory


The objective of this critical essay on sociological interpretation is to reflect on the theory of structuring proposed by Anthony Giddens in his book The Constitution of Society, in the objective sense of discussing his more general ideas, proposals and conclusions, reflecting on the relevance or not of their theoretical arguments, and, in the extreme, trying to verify if their own theoretical proposition of structuring is correct and valid. Underlying this context, is similarly to our intention to try to be able to contribute, if not to sociological thought and Giddens’ own theory of structuration, but at least to the critical analysis of that same theory, always in an objectively constructive and critical sense, of the building itself of sociological knowledge to build itself dynamically, continuously, and uninterruptedly – ​​to use Giddens’s terms – across time and space. Objectively, we will focus our attention on the method, style and interpretation that Giddens employs in the conception of his theory of structuration, and, in the end, we will propose a few reflections, which concern the deficient or null external links of that theory with biology and bioevolution, especially regarding the structuring of the self-conscious mind as a social need of homo sapiens.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Quaresma, GKA/Madrid

Mestre em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), escritor ensaísta e filósofo brasileiro, pesquisador de tecnologias e consequências sociais, com especial interesse na crítica da tecnologia. 


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Johnson, Allan G. Dicionário de sociologia: Guia prático da linguagem sociológica. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1997.

Mithen, Steven. A pré-história da mente: uma busca das origens da arte, da religião e da ciência. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2002.

Quaresma, Alexandre. Inteligência artificial e bioevolução: Ensaio epistemológico sobre organismos e máquinas. Dissertação de Mestrado pelo programa de pós-graduação em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital (TIDD), pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), 2020.

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How to Cite

Quaresma, A. (2022). Methodology, style and interpretation: . Revista Central De Sociología, 12(12), 165-204.