Who is safe at home? Risks associated to home in the pandemic
social isolation, domestic violence, stress, aggressiveness, COVID-19Abstract
This study aims to assess changes in Brazilians’ domestic routine during the social isolation period due to COVID-19. Hence, an on-line questionnaire was carried out with questions about alterations in habit, stress level and aggressive situations experienced at home, used to estimate the level of tension and conflicts among residents. The data collection took place between April 16 and 21, 2020 and the final sample consists of 2,531 respondents. While 6.7% of respondents reported domestic conflicts for the first time, more than 20% said that these conflicts had occurred as usual. Bivariate analyzes showed that the prevalence of aggression during social distancing measures is associated with demographic and conjunctural variables. The three binomial logistic regression models have showed that social distancing measures adopted to prevent the Covid-19 impact the level of stress among residents, leading to greater aggressiveness at home. These findings confirm previous studies that highlight the increase of domestic tensions as a negative externality of coronavirus.
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