The current crisis of humans from a spiritual and scientific perspective


  • Howard Richards Earlham College


Christian Social Thought (CST) continues to be relevant. The evolutionary survival and success of humans was made possible by cultures of solidarity. They provided the cohesion and the creativity needed to cope with the challenges of the physical environment. Among the many such cultures there have been and are, CST, in several versions, shaped the European World System that then expanded to become today´s Modern World System, sometimes as its critic, sometimes as its ally. Today CST, together with other cultures of solidarity, has much to contribute to the social transformations needed to survive humanity´s current crisis.


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Author Biography

Howard Richards, Earlham College

Research Professor of Philosophy, Earlham College, Richmond USA. Email:


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How to Cite

Richards, H. (2020). The current crisis of humans from a spiritual and scientific perspective . Revista Central De Sociología, 11(11), 168-187.