Positive and negative stereotypes of old age: A necessary literature review


  • Paloma Cortés Peralta Universidad Central de Chile
  • Antoine Llulle Rivera Universidad Central de Chile


stereotypes, old age, ageism, gerontophobia


It is projected that by the year 2050 there will be a total of 1.6 billion older adults globally (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2023), as well as a 32% growth of this population group in Chile for the same year, making it increasingly urgent to explore the impact of stereotypes on old age. This essay presents the main results of a theoretical systematization of recent research on stereotypes in old age. Among the most relevant results, we highlight (1) the great variety of positive and negative stereotypes that show how the elderly are socially understood and (2) the impact that these stereotypes have on self-recognition and identity formation. We conclude that an adequate promotion of positive stereotypes would not only help to eradicate ageism and gerontophobia but would also facilitate living old age with well-being.


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Author Biographies

Paloma Cortés Peralta, Universidad Central de Chile

Estudiante. Carrera de Sociología, Facultad de Gobierno, Economía y Comunicaciones, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Antoine Llulle Rivera, Universidad Central de Chile

Estudiante. Carrera de Sociología, Facultad de Gobierno, Economía y Comunicaciones, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


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How to Cite

Cortés Peralta, P., and Llulle Rivera, A. (2024). Positive and negative stereotypes of old age: A necessary literature review. Revista Central De Sociología, 18(18), 79-92. https://centraldesociologia.cl/index.php/rcs/article/view/172



Ensayos dossier Discapacidad y Envejecimiento